STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Machine Learning Processing based on Blockchain Data Characteristics
Lu Liu
School of Economics and Management, Guangxi Normal University of Nationalities Chongzuo, Guangxi, China
With the rapid development of Internet, big data and AI, the management of huge volumes of data is no longer a problem. The problem nowadays is how to collect enough and secure data to support the processing and analysis. Meanwhile, the blockchain has become a trustworthy data storage platform because of its sharing and unchangeability. By utilizing the combination of blockchain and AI technology, users can process decentralized learning, and optimize their decisions. Blockchain data has many characteristics, such as integrity, validity, traceability, etc. Integrity can provide more comprehensive data for research, and traceability allows users to track data transactions, while ensuring that data is not tampered with. In this paper, the deep learning method is used to process and analyze the blockchain data, and the advantages of the combination of blockchain data and AI are illustrated through experiments.
Big Data; AI; Blockchain; Neural Network; Integrity; Traceability
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