STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
The Transformation of Intelligent Tourism Planning through the "Zibo Barbecue" Craze
Guo Yu, Jing Qin*, Ziqian Cheng, Zihao Li, Saiyu Quan
School of Accountancy, Shandong Youth University of Political Science, Jinan, Shandong, China *Corresponding Author.
This article discusses the application and development of intelligent tourism planning in the barbecue frenzy in Zibo. Intelligent tourism planning offers advantages such as personalized customization, real-time accuracy, recommendation suggestions, and provides tourists with a more convenient and efficient travel experience. In the context of the barbecue frenzy in Zibo, intelligent guided services, recommendation systems, and booking services have become essential components, offering tourists a more intelligent and personalized tourism experience. In this background, intelligent tourism planning continues to evolve, utilizing precise recommendations, interactive experiences, and intelligent marketing promotion to further enhance the travel experience and meet the needs of tourists. In conclusion, intelligent tourism planning demonstrates immense potential and development opportunities within the barbecue frenzy in Zibo, injecting new vitality and possibilities into the tourism industry. With the continuous progress and application of intelligent technologies, it is believed that intelligent tourism planning will become an important trend in the travel industry, providing tourists with a richer and more convenient travel experience.
Zibo Barbecue Frenzy; Intelligent; Tourism Planning; Tourist Experiences; Sustainable Tourism; Destination Development
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