STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Research on Multi-Carrier Hybrid Encrypted Communication Technology Based on Blockchain
Xinyi Chen
School of Optoelectronics and Information Engineering, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China
As there is a third party intervention in network communication, in the context of big data era, the intervention of the third party platform may obtain the content of the private session, and also may tamper with the content, and the network communication becomes no longer secure, so this paper establishes a multi-carrier hybrid encryption system to ensure the privacy of the communication session. In this paper, an MCHE model is constructed to embed the secret information of communication on the blockchain on the basis of ring signature, using the mechanism of multi-carrier hybrid encryption, which not only improves the anonymity of the two parties of communication, but also improves the security of the content of the communication, and at the same time and proposes to complete the highly efficient encrypted communication based on the blockchain in which each leader leads multiple blocks. Compared with traditional network communication, blockchain communication takes advantage of the blockchain to effectively prevent eavesdroppers and attackers from listening to and tampering with encrypted information. The model can prevent third-party regulation and play the role of a private dialogue space for individuals; for industries, it can prevent competitors from obtaining important information through illegal bribes and other means; for countries, it can be used in the military to prevent enemy countries from intercepting and monitoring the acquisition of intelligence, and to protect their own national security interests.
Network Communication; Encryption Technology; Blockchain; Ring Signature
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