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Origins and Future Directions: An Exploration of Trust Issues in the Blockchain-powered Metaverse
Chenyu Gu*
School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China *Corresponding Author.
Trust forms the cornerstone of the modern financial system, serving as its core, its essence, and its ultimate challenge. In the era of the metaverse, the traditional principles of stability that govern both the physical and economic worlds are being fundamentally disrupted. Within this transformative context, the pursuit of economic growth and social stability hinges increasingly on the establishment of trust. Trust underpins consensus, facilitates collaboration, enhances efficiency, and governs the allocation of resources. Historically, trust evolved from interpersonal relationships in face-to-face societies, to the monetary trust embedded in market economies, and now to the decentralized trust mechanisms enabled by blockchain technology. In the digital landscape of the metaverse, where decentralization is key, blockchain emerges as an indispensable solution to the problem of trust, offering the potential to drive economic prosperity and foster social progress.
Trust; Metaverse; Blockchain; Platform Economy
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