STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
The Influence Mechanism of Data Commodity Pricing and New Quality Productivity on Innovation
Yan Zhao*
Economic Management and Electronic Commerce, Huzhou Vocational and Technical College, Huzhou City, Zhejiang, China *Corresponding Author.
Data commodity pricing is a complicated problem, and data commodity pricing has become a key problem to be solved urgently. How data commodity pricing affects new quality productivity and how data commodity pricing affects innovation has become an urgent problem to be solved. This paper adopts normative research method, analyzes the mechanism of data commodity pricing affecting new quality productivity, reveals the mechanism of data commodity pricing affecting innovation, analyzes the mechanism of new quality productivity affecting innovation, and reveals the mechanism of synergistic effect of data commodity pricing and new quality productivity on innovation. The research conclusion mainly includes three aspects. First of all, the mechanism of data commodity pricing to promote new quality productivity is a mechanism to promote technological innovation, improve production efficiency, achieve industrial upgrading and cultivate emerging industries through reasonable pricing of data commodities. Second, data commodity pricing can be a powerful tool to drive innovation. New quality productivity provides abundant resources and space for innovation. Finally, the collaboration between data commodity pricing and new quality productivity can improve the level of innovation more effectively. The research results of this paper can provide reference for theoretical research and enterprise innovation.
Data Commodity, New Quality Productivity, Enterprise Innovation, Mechanism, Synergy
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