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Research on How Firms Create Market Value with Customers and Partners
Lina Diao
School of Continuing Education, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang, Henan 464000, China
In today's rapidly changing market environment, it is essential for organizations to innovate and offer new products that meet customers’ diverse needs, and with the constant development of new technologies, customers are increasingly involved in the development and creation of new products and show strong creativity. Therefore, over the past years, studies pertaining to value co-creation have mainly focused on the joint work in between firms and customers as well as the effect of such co-creation on customers’ purchase intention. Although customers have played an important role in value co-creation, little is known about the importance of business partners in value co-creation and its effect on purchase intention. This paper aims to identify whether both co-creators, when applied together, positively influence purchase intention, especially when perceived benefits and firm value play as mediating variables. Data analysis was carried out based on 396 completed questionnaire. Results from this study show that both co-creators significantly contribute to purchase intention. Discussions about the results are put forward and implications and future research directions are provided.
Value Co-Creation; Customers; Partners; Purchase Intention
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