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The Effect of Transformational Leadership in Financial Enterprises on the Procrastination Behavior of the New Generation Employees: The Mediating Effect of Job Exuberance and the Moderating Effect of Psychological Capital
Sun Bingyao
International College, Krirk University, Bangkok, Thailand
This study aims to explore the impact of transformational leadership on procrastination behavior among new-generation employees in financial enterprises. The study also investigates the mediating role of work vigor and the moderating role of psychological capital in this relationship. Targeting new-generation employees in financial enterprises, the analysis of 591 valid survey responses yields the following conclusions: Transformational leadership style in financial enterprises has a negative impact on procrastination behavior among new-generation employees. Transformational leadership style in financial enterprises has a positive impact on the work vigor of new-generation employees. The work vigor of new-generation employees has a significant negative impact on procrastination behavior. The work vigor of new-generation employees plays a mediating role between transformational leadership and procrastination behavior. The psychological capital of new generation employees serves as a positive moderator in the relationship between work vigor and procrastination behavior.
Transformational Leadership, Procrastination Behavior, Thriving at Work, Psychological Capital
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