STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Research on the Design of Community Personal Durable Goods Rental Platform Based on P2P Model
Lele Wang, Fuhong Guo*, Yinping Chen, Qizhe Huo, Ni Zhang, Zixiao Wang
City Institute, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China *Corresponding Author.
The continuous popularization of "Internet +" has led to the rapid development of the "sharing economy." In this context, based on the research of "sharing economy" theory, this paper designs a community personal durable goods rental system based on the P2P model. This paper analyzes the feasibility of project implementation, the main content of the rental platform design, and the innovation of the project. The research concludes that the community personal durable goods rental platform based on the P2P model is convenient for users, reduces the costs for durable goods owners and renters, and increases the benefits for both parties. Additionally, the rental platform is stable and highly scalable, making it suitable for promotion and use in different communities.
P2P Model; Community; Personal Durable Goods; Rental Platform
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