STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Precision Marketing Model of Multinational Cosmetic Companies and Its Effect Evaluation
Qian Luo
Sisley (Shanghai), Shanghai, China
This paper explores the precision marketing model employed by multinational cosmetic companies in China and evaluates its effectiveness. The study begins with an introduction to precision marketing, followed by a review of existing literature on marketing strategies in the cosmetics industry, focusing on multinational companies. It then analyzes the current marketing status of these companies in China, identifying key trends and challenges. The paper proceeds to examine the specific precision marketing strategies used by multinational cosmetic companies in the Chinese market, highlighting tactics such as multi-channel precision marketing, personalized services, localization strategy, and interactive platform. The effectiveness of these strategies is evaluated using various performance metrics, including market share growth, consumer engagement, and brand loyalty. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing the implications of the findings for multinational cosmetics companies and providing recommendations for optimizing precision marketing in the Chinese market.
Multinational Cosmetic Company; Chinese Market; Precision Marketing; Marketing Strategy
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