Research on the Promotion of Rural Revitalization by Ceramic Art Studios
Yu Guantao
Hubei Light Industry Technology Institute, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Ceramic art studios, as an important component of the rural revitalization strategy, have played an increasingly significant role in promoting local economic development, cultural heritage, and social progress. This paper aims to examine the role of ceramic art studios in driving rural revitalization, analyze the challenges they face, such as funding shortages, lack of talent, and incomplete industrial chains, and propose corresponding optimization strategies. The research shows that through government policy support, increased financial investment, talent cultivation and introduction, and improvements to the industrial chain, ceramic art studios can overcome existing difficulties, achieve sustainable development, and contribute to rural revitalization. This study not only provides theoretical support for the development of the ceramic industry but also offers practical solutions for local governments and relevant enterprises in the process of rural revitalization.
Ceramic Art Studios; Rural Revitalization; Financial Support; Talent Cultivation; Industrial Chain Development
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