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Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Legal Regulation of Abuse of Copyright Exclusive License by Digital Music Platforms
Jingyi Wang*
School of Law, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China *Corresponding Author.
Digital music copyright exclusive licence is now the most applicable form of agreement in the digital music market. Although the National Copyright Administration interviewed in 2017, which had a short-term good effect, the digital exclusive licensing model dominated by "exclusive license" gradually evolved into the exclusive copyright agency model allowing "non-exclusive license+ sub-licensing", the digital exclusive copyright authorization model still raises great monopoly risks, such as abuse of market dominance, vertical monopoly agreements, and concentration of operators. However, the specific behaviors involved in the exclusive digital copyright licensing model still give rise to great monopoly risks, such as abuse of dominant market position, vertical monopoly agreements, operator concentration and other behaviors that bring about the exclusion and restriction of competition still exist. In view of this, based on clarifying the hidden worries of the abuse of exclusive copyright licensing of digital music platforms, this article compiles the types of abuse of exclusive copyright licensing of digital content platforms and puts forward an effective path of legal regulation.
Digital Music Copyright; Exclusive Licensing Model; Abuse of Dominant Market Position; Antitrust Law
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