STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
A Research on the Talents' Training Program of Universities with OBE
Shi Jiang*, Jianfei Shi
Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing city, Heilongjiang province, 163000, China *Corresponding Author.
Talents' training program is the fundamental principle or a "law" for higher educational institutions. Outcome-based education(OBE), a student-centered and designed backwards educational idea, should run through the whole process of talents' cultivating program because it can describe and show the very specific and clear objectives, requirements and assessments which can improve the quality of higher education. In our paper, training objectives should follow three aspects, science direction, social demands and students' needs; OBE curriculum revision is the starting and key point of the program's reform; while the evaluation on the validity and quality of the OBE practice is the evidence for future development of talents' training program founded by OBE.
Outcome-based Education (OBE), Talents' Training Program, Cultivating Objectives, OBE Course Reform
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