STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Research on Teaching Methods to Improve the Teaching Effect of Data Structure Course for Electronic Information Specialty
Fangyuan Lin
School of Computing, Neusoft Institute Guangdong, Foshan, Guangdong, China
The course of data structure has many contents, few class hours, more abstractness and high practical requirements. In addition, different colleges and universities have different professional teaching directions and teaching methods. In teaching practice, the author studied the educational methods of using practice to promote learning through teaching design, integrating correct world outlook, views on life and values education into the curriculum in all aspects, further strengthening communication between teachers and students. We must strengthen teacher training and change the curriculum assessment mode in improving teaching effectiveness. Teaching practice has shown that there have been beneficial changes in student learning enthusiasm, interest, academic performance, and other aspects before and after the implementation of the discussed methods.
Data Structure; Electronic Information Specialty; Methods for Improving Teaching Effectiveness; Curriculum Assessment Mode
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