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The Different Use of Lexical Bundles by L1 Chinese Master Students and L1 English Experts Based on Corpus
Li Xin*
School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China *Corresponding Author.
Lexical bundles have been proven essential for non-native students to develop their competence. However, the comparison of lexical bundles between L2 students’ thesis writing and L1 native published research articles have not undergone in-depth analysis. Furthermore, it is critical to draw on corpus to increase master students’ proficiency in academic writing in English. Drawing on a 1.16-million-word self-built corpus of academic lectures in the field of linguistics, we tend to compare the use of lexical bundles in terms of Biber's structural and Hyland’s functional taxonomy. The findings indicate that in general, the number of types of four-word lexical bundles in L1 English experts’ published articles are more than that in L1 Chinese. This research may help to improve the fluency, variety and diversity of English discussion and conclusion part of master students.
Lexical Bundles; L2 Masters’ Theses; L1 Experts’ Published Articles
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