STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
A Study on Science normal students’ Popularization Practice Ability and Its Influencing Factors
Xiaoyan Zhou, Hua Huang, Yingyi Zhou
School of Physcis Science and Technology, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, China
As future science teachers and potential main force of science popularization practice in the country, Science normal students’ science popularization practice ability has gradually become a hot topic in their talent cultivation. Based on the theory of science popularization practice ability construction, this study designed a questionnaire to investigate the level science normal students’ science popularization practice ability and its influencing factors. The study found that science normal students’ preparation ability, practice ability, evaluation ability, and overall ability in science popularization were moderate. Gender and grade significantly influenced the overall level of science popularization practice, while major did not have a significant impact. Personal attitudes and practical experience had a positive correlation with the improvement of science popularization practice ability.
Science Normal Students; Popularization Practice Ability; Questionnaire
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