STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
The Practical Logic of School-domain Digitization Construction in Promoting the Public Value Creation of Student Organizations
Yuxi Shen
Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Since the 21st century, the development of the new generation of information technology has triggered round after round of technological revolution. The new application and new mode based on digital technology have brought great convenience to people, and have also brought great influence on the development of human society and people's way of life and mode of production. However, with the rapid development of digital technology, the main social contradictions, development stage and development tasks are also undergoing profound changes. How to give full play to the existing organizational advantages and digital resources to cope with digital challenges and create public value has become a problem that all social organizations need to think about in the new era. As the cradle of training reserve forces, the digital construction of colleges and universities is not only an important part of the process of national digital transformation, but also reflects China's ability to respond to digital challenges in the future. College student organizations has similar to the Chinese local compartmentalization relationship. As a semi-autonomous group, the organization has relatively fixed and complete management system and organization form, and has good flexibility and high ability of accepting external things and technology. Therefore, it has certain similarities and particularity with ordinary social organization. From the perspective of public value creation, based on Moore's strategic triangle, combined with the organizational characteristics of current university student organizations, this paper constructs a triangular model of public value creation of school students' organization under the background of digital construction. Trying to clarify the ideas and practical logic of public value creation of university student organizations under the digital construction through the construction of the model. The research results are replicable, and can provide some theoretical support and inspiration for the social organization under the digital transformation.
Digital Construction; Compartmentalization Relationship; Public Value Creation; Organizational Strategy; College Student Organization
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