STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Exploration on the Teaching Reform of “Market Research and Analysis” under the Mode of “Promoting Teaching by Competition and Integrating Competition with Teaching”
Xiuhua Cheng
Communication University of China Nanjing, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
With the deepening of education reform, the curriculum teaching reform of applied colleges and universities has become the focus of attention. The course "Market Research and Analysis" can fully help students realize the integration of science and practice and cultivate students' innovative thinking. The traditional teaching mode is teacher-centered and pays attention to the unidirectional transfer of knowledge, but lacks the initiative and participation of students. In this mode, students often passively accept knowledge, lack practical ability and innovative consciousness, and lack of market sensitivity. At the same time, the traditional teaching mode can not meet the needs of the society for talent training, which makes it difficult for graduates to find employment and adapt to the development of the society. Driven by the National College students Market Survey and Analysis Competition, this paper integrates the market Survey Competition with the course of Market Survey and Analysis, and implements the teaching mode of "promoting teaching by competition and integrating competition with teaching", so that students can integrate competition with teaching and integrate science with practice, and cultivate application-oriented talents.
Market Research and Analysis; Market Survey Contest; Integration of Competition and Teaching; Applied Talents
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