STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Research on the Difference of Long-term Development Self-evaluation of Badminton Players Based on Individual Characteristics
Leiming Yang
Hunan Traditional Chinese Medicine College, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China
Self-evaluation is a key factor in the development of athletes, influencing their training outcomes and competition performance. With the increasing popularity of sports, particularly badminton, more research has begun to focus on the role of self-evaluation and its influencing factors. This paper aims to analyze the differences in long-term self-evaluation among athletes based on gender, academic background, and years of sports experience, thereby providing a theoretical basis for coaches to develop targeted training programs. By examining various dimensions such as fundamental movement techniques, participation in multiple sports, technical progress, tactical understanding and decision-making, and psychological skills training, this study elucidates the differences in self-evaluation among athletes from different backgrounds. The findings indicate that the differences in long-term self-evaluation among athletes of varying gender, academic background, and years of sports experience are not significant, suggesting that training programs provide equitable growth opportunities for the majority. This also implies that in sports education, all participants have equal access to corresponding resources and excellent coaching. This research will not only deepen the understanding of the long-term development of badminton players but also promote the comprehensive development of athletes in training and competition, enhancing their competitive level.
Personal Characteristics; Badminton Players; Long-Term Development; Differences in Self-Evaluation
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