Application Research of PBL Teaching Mode in Core Course Construction for Big Data Major
Yuming Sun, Ling Lu*, Mingnan Lin
Guangdong University of Science and Technology, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
*Corresponding Author.
With the rapid development of big data technology, there is a higher demand for cultivating talents in big data. The traditional teaching mode cannot meet the comprehensive ability requirements of society for big data talent at present. This paper aims to explore the application of problem-based learning (PBL) teaching model in the construction of core courses of big data major. Through literature review, teaching practice and effect evaluation, this paper analyzes the impact of PBL teaching model on improving students' critical thinking, teamwork and complex problem-solving abilities in big data majors. The research results show that the PBL teaching model can significantly improve student's motivation and practical application capabilities, providing effective teaching strategies for the construction of core courses of big data majors.
PBL Teaching Model; Big Data Major; Core Courses; Teaching Strategies; Ability Cultivation
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