STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Research on the Construction of Pathways to Enhance the Accumulation Ability of Technical Skills in Vocational Colleges
Lichao Zhu1, Yueqin Feng2,*, Hongwei Zhang3, Huiyuan Chu2, Haibo Lin1, Jianxi Yang4, WenfuWang4, Jian Zhang4
1Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology, Taizhou Vocational & Technical College, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China 2Linhai Vocational and Technical School, Linhai , Zhejiang, China 3Training Center, Shandong Transportation Vocational College, Shandong, China 4College of Sino-German, Taizhou Vocational & Technical College, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China *Corresponding author
School enterprise cooperation is a basic talent cultivation model in vocational education. The quality of cooperation directly affects the quality of talent cultivation in vocational schools. To effectively solve the prominent problems in the cooperation between vocational colleges and enterprises, it is necessary to address the problem of insufficient depth of school enterprise cooperation. This article combines the construction of the current cooperative operation mechanism between schools and enterprises, explores the construction of practical training venues, practical combat platforms, and teacher technical skill accumulation platforms in vocational colleges, and proposes a performance evaluation mechanism for talent cultivation quality, for reference and reference by other vocational colleges.
Vocational Education; Government School Enterprise Collaboration Mode; Technical Skill Accumulation
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