STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
A Survey and Study on Interdisciplinary Learning Attitudes of Primary School Students under the STEM Education Concept
Xiaoyan Zhou*, Xiaoyu Lin
School of Physics Science and Technology, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China *Corresponding Author.
This study draws on the Interdisciplinary Learning Attitudes Scale developed by Eric Wiebe's team, which includes math, science, engineering and 21st Century skills. Based on 714 primary school students from grade 4 to Grade 6, the research results show that students who have had interdisciplinary learning experience are more interested in interdisciplinary learning, and the overall attitude of primary school students toward interdisciplinary learning tends to be positive. The study also found that elementary school students were less likely to pursue STEM-related careers in the future, while boys were more likely to pursue STEM careers than girls were. At the same time, there is no significant difference in the overall interdisciplinary learning attitude of primary school students in gender, but there is a significant difference in the learning attitude of mathematics and engineering technology. In terms of overall interdisciplinary learning attitude, the interdisciplinary learning attitude of the third grade is more positive than that of the sixth grade.
STEM Education; Interdisciplinary; Learning Attitude; Interdisciplinary Learning Attitude; Questionnaire Survey
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