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Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on the Entrepreneurial Competence of Students in Vocational Colleges and Universities
Long Chaojie
Educational Management, Saint Paul University Philippines, Tuguegarao city, Philippines
At the 2014 Summer Davos Forum, China's chief representative introduced the idea of "universal enterprise creation and widespread implementation of scientific and technological innovation," which is intended to stimulate gross domestic product (GDP) and alleviate unemployment. Thus, it is clear that the creation of new companies is a key influence on the progress and prosperity of a country's society. Today, many universities have embarked on business-oriented training programs to enhance the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of their students as a fundamental support for their future successful businesses. However, the discussion of business start-ups by vocational students has remained at a more backward stage, and there is not much literature on the subject. As business programs are increasingly seen as a popular topic for vocational and technical college students to learn how to start a company, it is important to delve deeper into its impact and how it works. This will provide us with practical data to optimize our teaching methods, and give us some valuable research references to guide these technical talents towards their dreams more effectively.
Entrepreneurship Education; Vocational Colleges and Universities; Students' Entrepreneurial Ability
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