STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
An Improved Gradient Enhancement Regression Tree Method to Evaluate the Innovation Capability of Energy Companies
Zhibo Yu*, Ji Li, Chaohui Gu, Juan Zhou, Mengxi Wu
Research Institute of Natural Gas Economy PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China *Corresponding Author.
In recent years, with the introduction of the innovation-driven development strategy, audit departments across the country have actively responded by arranging audit experts to assess the innovation capabilities of enterprises based on their information. They have also studied the impact of implementation on innovation indicators in energy enterprises, aiming to accurately implements to support enterprises and drive regional development. Traditional manual evaluation methods are inefficient and prone to human interference. By using a gradient boosting regression tree model to construct a scoring prediction model, instead of manual evaluation methods, both accuracy and efficiency can be ensured. Experimental results show that this prediction model outperforms other models such as random forest regression and can guarantee prediction accuracy.
Innovation Capability; Gradient Boosting; Ensemble Learning; Machine Learning
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