STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies for Real-Scene 3D Construction Projects in ZC
Leran Pan
Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, Shandong, China
This paper focuses on real-scene 3D construction projects, emphasizing their significant applications across various fields and the associated risks. The study conducts risk evaluation and strategy formulation through literature review, field surveys, and expert consultations, identifying risk factors related to safety, environment, quality, schedule, management, and finance, and develops a risk indicator system. Using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for risk evaluation, the study determines the impact and severity of each risk factor. Based on the evaluation results, targeted risk mitigation measures are formulated, accompanied by the establishment of a risk monitoring mechanism. The research provides a scientific basis for risk management in real-scene 3D construction projects, aiding in the smooth implementation and broader application of this technology.
Real-Scene 3D Construction Projects; Risk Evaluation; Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process; Risk Mitigation
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