STEMM Institute Press
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The Application, Potential Benefits and Negative Impacts of ChatGPT in the E-commerce
Jiansong Chen*, Suju Ou, Binglin Lu
School of Information Management and Engineering, Neusoft Institute Guangdong, Nanhai University Town, Foshan, Guangdong, China *Corresponding Author
The application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of e-commerce has entered the ChatGPT stage. Compared with traditional artificial intelligence technology, its application forms and levels are more extensive and in-depth, and it has also had a profound impact on the e-commerce business model. By comprehensively analyzing the latest relevant literature and reports, it can be found that compared with traditional artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT has demonstrated technological leadership and comprehensive functionality in applications in the e-commerce field. Through the analysis of ChatGPT application examples, its feasibility and application potential in the field of e-commerce are verified. From the perspective of e-commerce business processes, the application value and potential benefits of ChatGPT in each link are deeply analyzed. This article also points out the possible negative impacts of ChatGPT’s application in the e-commerce field.
ChatGPT; E-Commerce; Application; ChatGPT Prompt; Potential Benefits; Negative Impacts
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