STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Design and Implementation of Smart New Rural Information Government Management System
Jiaxi Bai, Jinrui Zhang , Lingjie Kong, Zihe Wang, Guosheng Zhao
School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
At present, there are still problems in some rural areas such as imperfect personnel management system, inconsistent mode, and redundant data management, in order to improve the management mechanism at all levels and improve the efficiency and accuracy of villagers' information collection and statistics, a design and implementation method of smart new rural information government management system is proposed. Based on MVC architecture and ThinkPHP 6.0 development framework, the system assigns authority to personnel, realizes hierarchical management, and improves and unifies the personnel management mode. At the same time, all kinds of data are collected, and the collected data can be connected and counted, and the database can be constructed, which solves the problem of data management redundancy and improves office efficiency.
Smart Countryside; People Management; Information Collection
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