STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Application Mode and Implementation Path of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Field of Typical Supply Chain Logistics
Heng Li1, Fang Wang2,*, Shuyan Li2
1School of Electronic Information and Artificial Intelligence, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China 2Guangdong Communication Polytechnic, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China *Corresponding Author.
Artificial intelligence is leading a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and accelerating intelligence in the field of supply chain logistics is an important development trend. Firstly, the current research status of artificial intelligence technology application in the field of supply chain logistics is reviewed, and then artificial intelligence’s technical architecture is introduced. On this basis, the basic conditions for applying artificial intelligence technology in the field of supply chain logistics are analyzed. Then, this study focuses on the logistics field of typical supply chain, constructs the main application models of artificial intelligence technology in this field, formulates the application implementation path of artificial intelligence technology, proposes application implementation strategies and steps, and provides reference for enterprises to promote the intelligent development of supply chain logistics and improve supply chain management performance.
Artificial Intelligence Technology; Typical Supply Chain; Logistics; Application Mode; Implementation Path
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