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Study on the Application of Creative Translation in Word and Rhyme in XYC’s Translation of Tang Poem
Xu Yuting, Xu Han*
School of Foreign Languages of Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China *Corresponding Author.
Poem translation required translators to deeply understand both languages and have the ability to capture the essence of the original text, and reproduce it in a way that resonated with the target audience since different cultural background. The application of creative translation of word and rhyme in Xu Yuanchong’s Translation of Tang Poem was analyzed in the paper. Some examples were selected to explore the creativity in word translation process including the translation of poetic image words, allusive words and extended feeling words. In order to preserve the aesthetics of Tang poems, four different rhetorical methods in rhyming were applied to enhance the rhyme. With the above cases, it was found that creative translation had good application in poem translation in lexical and aesthetic dimension. After learning, we could apply the skills of creative translation in poem translation process.
Creative Translation; Word Translation; Rhyme; Tang Poems
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