STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
AI Technology Promotes Innovative Application Research of Simulated Interview Platform
Ruizi Sun, Yiran Sun, Yuqing Kong, Xiangyi Wang, Liya He, Chunyu Liu, Jianing Gao*
School of Accounting, Shandong Youth University of Political Science, Jinan, Shandong, China
With the number of college graduates increasing year by year, the employment situation is becoming more and more severe. Whether it is for college or employment, the interview is used as a criterion for talent selection. Through investigation and literature research, the team found that fresh graduates lacked relevant interview experience, and the interview training market developed slowly. At present, AI technology is mature, AI+ education is well-known by the public, policy support is strong, and development prospects are good, AI technology can promote the development of the interview training market to a certain extent. Therefore, in view of the large number of interview demand groups and the immature market situation of simulated interview products, the form of the simulated interview platform is innovated through the design of anthropomorphic AI interviewers, the creation of interesting and challenging sections, and the multidimensional evaluation of the interview process by AI, so as to help users improve interview skills, enrich interview experience and improve interview ability.
Interview Training; Online Mock Interview; AI Technology; Form Innovation; Multidimensional Evaluation
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