STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Analysis of the Application of Typical Combat Scenarios Utilizing Russian Ground Unmanned Equipment
Chao Song1,*, Huyue Wang2, Yizhuo Jia1, Jianwu Sun1
1Army Academy of Armored Forces, Beijing, China 2North Automatic Control Technology Institute, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China *Corresponding Author.
With the continuous development of related technologies, unmanned combat methods are gradually being valued by countries around the world. The prospects of ground unmanned equipment are extremely broad, and it is expected to achieve significant strategic breakthroughs and practical applications. Russia has always attached great importance to research related to unmanned combat. Through years of technological research and equipment development, Russia has made significant progress in unmanned combat and has widely used ground unmanned equipment in recent local conflicts. This paper systematically analyzes the typical application of Russian ground unmanned equipment in the Syrian battlefield and the Russia-Ukraine conflict by means of literature retrieval, systematic research and example demonstration. It focuses on the operational process, prominent advantages and existing shortcomings of Russian ground unmanned equipment to study the effectiveness of unmanned combat equipment in practical application. Through case studies and practical application of unmanned combat equipment, it provides a reference basis for the future development of unmanned equipment and research on unmanned combat in our army.
Russian Military; Ground Unmanned Equipment; Battlefield Application; Application Analysis
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