STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Lane Image Semantic Segmentation Technology Based on BiSeNetV2 Network
Xiao Hu1,*, Mingju Chen1,2
1School of Automation and Information Engineering, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Sichuan, Yibin, Sichuan, China 2Artificial Intelligence Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Sichuan, Yibin, Sichuan,China *Corresponding Author.
With the rapid development of automatic driving technology, lane image semantic segmentation plays an increasingly important role in intelligent transportation systems. In this paper, a lane image semantic segmentation technology based on the BiSeNetV2 network is proposed. First, we describe the dual-branch structure and feature fusion module in the BiSeNetV2 network, and then elaborate on our improvements in the lane image semantic segmentation task. We incorporated the attention mechanism to help the model grasp the overall structure of the image more effectively and enhance the segmentation accuracy. Simultaneously, we introduce depth separable convolution to decrease computational redundancy and simplify the model's complexity. Ultimately, we performed experiments on the Cityscapes dataset, and the results revealed that the proposed algorithm comprises 1.21× parameters, with an average intersection ratio of 71.4%. At the same time, the network model and algorithm proposed are contrasted with other equally sophisticated techniques. The comparison findings demonstrate that our approach successfully enhances the accuracy and real-time performance of lane image segmentation in comparison to alternative methods.
Image Semantic Segmentation; BiSeNetV2 network; Dual-branch Structure; Feature Fusion; Attention Mechanism
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