STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Advantages, Challenges, and Planning of Virtual Reality Technology in Education from a Constructivist Perspective
Yuanrong Wang, Tingmei Wang*, Haiwei Shen
Beijing Union University, Beijing, China *Corresponding Author.
Virtual reality technology, as a new educational model supported by modern information technology, has the potential to enhance the quality and rationality of education continuously. Starting from the application potential of virtual reality technology in education, this paper, combined with constructivist theory, explores the integration advantages, challenges, and planning of virtual reality technology and education. Constructivist theory emphasizes that learners acquire knowledge through context, collaboration, and meaning construction, while virtual reality technology provides learners with immersive learning environments, promotes exploratory activities, facilitates collaborative communication, personalized learning, and practical operations, thereby deepening understanding and application of knowledge. However, virtual reality technology still faces challenges in education such as a lack of teaching resources, inadequate teacher training, and equipment stability. To address these challenges effectively, it is suggested to establish unified standards to promote resource sharing, build high-quality teacher teams, address equipment technical issues, and enrich user practical experience. These measures will help promote the development and application of virtual reality technology in the field of education.
Constructivism; Virtual Reality; Educational Technology; Educational Innovation
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