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The Relationship between University Students' Perceived Social Support and Their Meaning of Life under a Regular Situation of Epidemic Prevention and Control: The Mediating Role of Resilience
Xiaoli Li, Xiaohua Bian, Wenmiao Luo
School of Educational Science, Zhengzhou Normal University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
The perceptive social support scale, the meaning of life scale and the psychological resilience scale were used to measure 414 university students in Henan Province. To investigate the influence of perceived social support on the meaning of life and the role of resilience in the relationship between them in the context of normal epidemic prevention and control among university students. Result display: (1) University students' perceived social support (63.22±15.00), resilience (3.59±0.75) and meaning of life (49.39±10.71) were generally above moderate level. (2) University students' perceived social support and resilience were significantly positively correlated (r=0.74, p<0.01), and perceived social support significantly and positively predicted resilience (β=0.771, p<0.001); meaning of life and resilience were significantly and positively correlated (r=0.76, p<0.01), and resilience significantly and positively predicted meaning of life (β=0.49, p< 0.001); perceived social support and meaning of life were significantly positively correlated (r=0.75, p<0.001), and perceived social support significantly and positively predicted meaning of life (β=0.495, p<0.01). (3) Resilience partially mediated the relationship between perceived social support and meaning of life among university students (β=0.391, p<0.001).
Perceived Social Support; Resilience; Meaning of Life; COVID-19 Epidemic
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