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Structural Relationship between Motivation, Adherence, Satisfaction and Loyalty of Adolescent Sports Behavior Participants in China
Qingyi Zhang, Qiwei Yang*
School of Physical Education, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, Hunan, China *Corresponding Author.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the structural relationship between motivation, adherence, satisfaction, and loyalty among participants in sports behavior among Chinese university students. The research method focuses on five universities in Hunan Province. This study collected 750 questionnaires. This study used SPSS 24 and AMOS software for analysis. The research results indicate that the motivation of sports behavior among college students has a significant positive impact on satisfaction, adherence, and loyalty. Adherence has a significant positive impact on satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfaction has a significant positive impact on loyalty. Finally, adherence and satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship between motivation and loyalty. This study verifies the structural relationship between motivation, adherence, satisfaction, and loyalty in sports behavior among Chinese university students. Motivation is the most important factor affecting participant loyalty, while adherence has the least impact on participant satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, university sports management personnel should pay more attention to the enthusiasm of participants in order to attract more students to participate in sports activities and maintain their interests.
Hunan Province; Participants; Motivation, Adherence; Satisfaction Loyalty
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