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Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Prediction of Risk of Airborne Transmitted Diseases based on the Wells-Riley Equation: Applying in the Metro Hall Environments
Xiaoyang Liu*, Yan Zhang, Lin Guan
Faculty of Management and economics, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, Yunnan, China *Corresponding Author.
The recent years have witnessed the increasing attention aroused by airborne transmitted diseases. Increasing evidence has shown that indoor air quality has a significant impact on people’s health, as well as the transmission of infectious diseases. As a result, more and more experts pay attention to the topic of airborne transmitted diseases. To improve the understanding of the risk of airborne transmitted diseases, in this paper we have reviewed the previous risk prediction model and tried to develop an improved model. The model, which has taken the size of space, the ventilation of the space, and the time of co-location, are also applied in a realistic model based on the system dynamic method, simulating the condition of passengers’ going into the station hall. According to the model and simulation outcoming, expanding the volume of room and ventilation can reduce the risk of infection. However, the co-location has a positive correlation with the infectious risk.
Airbone Transmitted Diseases; Wells-riley Model; System Dynamics; Risk
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