STEMM Institute Press
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Cultivating Cross-Cultural Communication Skills in Sports Management English Education and Its Impact on Career Development
Zilin Cheng1, Tao Luo2,3*
1Department of Management, Guizhou Vocational College of Sports, Guiyang, China 2School of Economics, Guizhou University, Guiyang, China 3The Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang, Guizhou, China *Corresponding Author
As the globalization of the sports industry deepens, the importance of cross-cultural communication skills for sports majors is increasingly recognized. This study explores the effective cultivation of these skills within sports major English instruction and their impact on students' career prospects. Findings indicate that cross-cultural communication skills enhance students' international competitiveness, and they are crucial for international sports management and teamwork. This paper discusses various teaching strategies, including scenario simulations and team projects, to foster students' practical cross-cultural communication abilities. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating theory and practice in teaching methods and offers guidance and future research directions for sports major English instruction.
Cross-cultural Communication Skills; Sports Major English Teaching; International Competitiveness; Teaching Strategies; Global Career Environment
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