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Strategies on Image Translation of Bamboo in Chinese Poetry
Jin Xie1, Ling Xiong2,*, Lan Ren1, Hongqin Rao1
1Department of Foreign Language and Culture, Geely University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China *Corresponding Author.
The abstract is to be in fully Chinese poetry is the precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, condensing the essence of traditional Chinese culture. From Tang poetry, Song Ci to Yuan Qu, the charm of Chinese poetry has conquered generations of readers. Chinese poetry works like a bridge of communication, allowing a dialogue between Eastern and Western cultures. Image is an important part of poetry, carrying a heavy cultural tradition, which is the sediment of the long history and splendid culture of the Chinese nation. From the perspective of Cultural Translation Theory, this paper selects representative Chinese poems about "bamboo" to study and explore effective translation strategies. The aim of the research in the paper is to made readers appreciate the beauty of the image of "bamboo" in Chinese ancient poetry and promote the international communication of Chinese poetry as well.
Cultural Translation Theory; Chinese Poetry; Bamboo Image; Image Translation; Translation Strategies
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