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Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
The Role of Sports Industry in Urban Development
Caifeng Liu
Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China
Sports industry is an important part of the national economy, and the development of the sports industry is closely related to the development of economy, society and culture. It is of great significance to explore the promoting role of sports industry on urban development to realize the synergistic and sustainable development of sports industry and city. Based on literature research and case analysis, the role of sports industry in promoting urban development is manifested in promoting urban economic development, optimizing urban economic structure, promoting urban employment, and promoting urban transformation and regeneration. At present, the sports industry needs to actively cultivate new quality productive forces, and promote the optimization of the sports industry structure from the development of sports service industry and sports manufacturing industry. Combined with the level of urban economic development and the economic structure, the sports industry should be brought into the framework of urban development through constructing sports service complex, building sports goods brand and developing high technology.
Sports Industry; City; Economy; Sustainable Development; Structure Optimization
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