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A Study on the People's Character of Chinese TV Drama in the New Era
Ruichan Fan
Institute of Media Education, Xi’an Peihua University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
With the arrival of the new era, the creation of TV dramas should keep up with the pace of the times, and fully reflect the expression of the people's character based on the creative concept of putting the people at the center under the premise of the needs of the times. As a mainstream media, television stations should adhere to the principle of people-orientation when creating television literature and art. It is not only a basic principle that local broadcasting and television stations need to follow, but also a mission and responsibility that the media needs to undertake. Therefore, TV drama directors should actively create TV dramas that are truly close to the masses, society, and life, fully reflecting the influence of a "cultural power".
New Era; TV Dramas; People's Character
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