STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Exploring the Ideas of "New Engineering" Education Reform for Programmable logic Controller Applications Oriented towards Engineering Practice
Bo Xu*, Xiumei Chen, Baoying Peng
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing, China *Corresponding Author.
In recent years, with the continuous advancement of the "new engineering" construction reform, exploring ways to enhance students' initiative in teaching and integrating theoretical and engineering courses, in line with actual engineering needs, has been a priority in educational reform. This paper introduces a method for integrating PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) teaching with theoretical and practical courses by renovating experimental equipment. It also provides specific parameters for the experimental platform. Teaching events have shown that 78% of students can solve PLC application problems using the knowledge they have learned, and 93% of students give positive feedback on the practical reform. The implementation of this curriculum reform provides ideas for the reform of graduate education aimed at engineering applications.
PLC Teaching; Particle Swarm Optimization; Zero Vibration Derivative
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