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Research on the Flat Universe and the Core of Galaxy Cluster
Junqiang Huang
Merchant Marine College, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China
Human beings want to know how the universe forms, and what shape the universe is. Studying billions of galaxies, as well as from the solar system to the Milky Way, scientists know they are all rotating and flat. According to the law of rotation, it can be inferred that the entire universe is rotating. Therefore, it can be confirmed that the singularity before the Big Bang was also rotating. According to the formula for centrifugal force of rotation, the centrifugal force is maximum at the location with the largest radius. It can be inferred that the universe is also flat after stabilization. From the perspective of the formation laws of the solar system, the early stages were chaotic, with many planets colliding with each other. For the Milky Way, traces of collisions with other galaxies can be observed. Moreover, there will be collisions with the Andromeda Galaxy in the future. So, the galaxy cluster where the Milky Way is located is still unstable and in its infancy. On the other hand, every galaxy we observe has a core. Therefore, every galaxy cluster also has a core. This core controls the entire galaxy cluster, and it will lead scientists to focus on it.
Singularity; Universe; Galaxy Clusters; Two-dimensional; Core
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