STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
Research on the Influence of Marketing Activities on Customer Assets of Light Industrial Products
Xiaoyan Ma, Jian Xue, Peng Wang
School of Economics and Management, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi'an, China
Customer acquisition, maintenance and promotion have become one of the most important marketing objectives of enterprises. Existing research shows that the effective implementation of marketing activities has a significant impact on customer acquisition and promotion. But what about the impact of different marketing activities on customer assets? Through constructing the structural model of the influence of marketing activities on customers for light industrial products , this paper explores the difference of the influence of different marketing activities on customers for light industrial products . The empirical results show that advertising, short-term promotion and perceived price have the greatest effect on customer retention of light industrial products, and the effect of advertising is greater than that of short-term promotion and perceived price. This provides a theoretical basis for enterprises to implement different marketing activities, and has an important reference role for customer maintenance and upgrading of light industrial products customers.
Marketing Activities; Customer Assets; Light Industrial Products; CLC Number: F270; Document Identification Code: A
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