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Influence of Freeze-thaw on Lateral Pressure Coefficient at Rest of Lanzhou Loess
Cheng Cao1,*, Dongfang Zhao2
1China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China 2Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, Shaanxi, China *Corresponding Author
The influence of freeze-thaw on lateral pressure coefficient at rest of Lanzhou loess was studied by experiments. Unidirectional freeze-thaw device was used in the freeze-thaw test. Soil samples were frozen at different temperatures and thaw at a temperature of +20℃.compression, direct shear and lateral pressure coefficient at rest tests were carried out on freeze-thaw samples and unfrozen samples to investigate the regular behaviour of under freeze-thaw cycles. It is proved that the effect of the freeze-thaw action on the of the soil has a double effect: the lateral pressure coefficient at rest increases after freeze-thaw when the initial dry weight is small. When the initial dry weight of soil is large, the coefficient decreases after freeze-thaw. At the same time, the applicability of the empirical formula () is verified by the of soil before and after freeze-thaw obtained by direct shear test. The results show that the relationship between and of Lanzhou loess after freeze-thaw does not strictly follow the empirical relationship of thaw soil.
Freeze-thaw Cycle; Lateral Pressure Coefficient at Rest; Collapsible Loess
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