STEMM Institute Press
Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Medicine
The Application of Reconstructed Trees in Collegiate Programming Contests
Zijie Shen, Ruixiang Li, Junping Shi*
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou, Hunan, China *Corresponding Author.
In collegiate programming contests, reconstructed trees find extensive application in tackling path-edge-weight constraint problems within graphs. These trees, defined as structures where edges carry precisely unit weight, reflecting the original graph's node set, serve as potent tools. This article elucidates the methodology behind constructing reconstructed trees, primarily leveraging minimum spanning trees. Additionally, it delves into the optimization of queries employing binary lifting coupled with Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) algorithms. By delving into specific problem instances, it discerns the multifaceted advantages inherent in employing reconstructed trees within the competitive ambiance of collegiate programming contests. Beyond merely resolving path-edge-weight constraints, these trees augment algorithmic efficiency and code comprehensibility. They furnish contestants with robust utilities and techniques, fostering enhanced performance and enabling them to navigate contests with greater adeptness, thereby contributing significantly to their competitive endeavors. Their utility extends beyond the confines of contests, finding application in diverse real-world scenarios, enriching problem-solving capabilities, and fostering a deeper understanding of graph theory concepts.
Reconstructed Trees; Minimum Spanning Trees; Binary Lifting with Lowest Common Ancestor
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